Aim: To Test the pH of a range of household chemicals.
Method: Test the chemicals with litmus papers. Add a few drops of each chemical to a spot on your spotting tile. If a substance is solid of powdered you will need to mix it with a few drops of water because testing it. Test each chemical with a few drops of universal indicator.
Results: Chemical of being tested: was spray wipe, fabric softener, floor cleaner, vinegar. Colour in the blue litmus: Violet, orange, violet, red. Colour in red litmus: Blue, red violet, orange. Colour in Universal indicator: Light blue, light orange, yellow, orange.
Discussion: For our experiment the first combination that we have made was the Spray and wipe, we first put the blue litmus in the spray and wipe it turn out that the colour have changes into violet. For the red litmus the color had changes into blue. Then the universal indicator color had changes to light blue. For the Fabric Softener the first combination that we had was Orange in the blue litmus, red in red litmus and also light orange in Universal Indicator.
Conclusion: Chemical being tested: Spray and wipe Base, fabric softener Acid, floor cleaner Base, vinegar Acid.